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Theatre: Acting & Directing Major

Conservatory of Performing Arts

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鲍德温华莱士的戏剧专业将广泛的实践学习与全面的课程结合起来. You'll build skills in acting, voice, movement, make-up, audition techniques, script analysis, directing, stage management and more.

Foundation courses in literature, history, performance, 技术和合作研究帮助你发展分析能力和对专业戏剧的见解. 小班授课,个人关注和教师指导是该计划的核心. 你将被鼓励参加国内和国外的专业学徒机会.

BW的教师都是与克利夫兰大湖剧院有联系的专业人士, Cleveland Public Theatre, 贝克艺术中心和多巴马剧院, 以及爱达荷州莎士比亚节和太浩湖莎士比亚节.

Through these opportunities, you'll gain experience, earn Equity points, network and build an impressive resume. On campus, 你可以通过表演参与戏剧制作, design and construction, production, management and marketing.

既有舞台剧场,也有黑箱剧场, BW提供传统和现代的观众设置,提供各种学习环境, including theatre in-the-round, thrust staging and more.

  • request

    "Intimate Apparel" by Lynn Nottage

    BW produces a wide range of plays, including classics and new works.

  • request

    "Quality Street" by JM Barrie

    BW takes a fresh approach to the classics, as evidenced by this acclaimed staging of a neglected masterpiece.

  • Music Theatre student applying makeup

    Backstage at Baldwin Wallace

    Actors prepare in two large, well-lit dressing rooms. BW has an outstanding costume department that treats all students like professionals.

  • Music Theatre student applying makeup

    "The Diviners" by Jim Leonard Jr.

    A busy production schedule means there are many opportunities to perform on the BW stage beginning freshmen year.

  • 音乐剧院的学生在表演中跳舞

    "What is Love?" - a devised play based on "Romeo and Juliet"

    Entirely student written and conceived, this production represents one of the many ways BW students benefit from exceptional hands-on learning opportunities. Technical skill, innovation, creativity and a commitment to new works are hallmarks of the theatre major.

  • 音乐剧院的男学生在表演时跪着

    "The Two Noble Kinsmen"

    Stage combat classes are offered as an elective to BA in theatre students. Weapons taught include rapier, dagger, hand-to-hand and broadsword.

  • 一位BW教授在剧院和学生们一起工作

    Faculty-student collaboration

    One-on-one coaching and mentoring are at the heart of BW's theatre major.

Career Opportunities

  • Actor
  • Director
  • Critic
  • Theatre manager
  • Stage manager
  • Playwright
  • Casting or talent agent
  • Dramaturg

Four Specialized Programs of Study

At BW, theatre majors can focus their studies in acting and directing, dance and movement, design and technical and stage management. All programs include a solid foundation of courses designed to give students a comprehensive overview of theatre.

Study Theatre in London

Heighten your understanding and appreciation of British theatre through a study abroad experience. The program is a three-week, credit-earning immersion course in British theatre that includes a nine-day trip to London. It is led by BW theatre faculty.

Perform in Zambia

Every other year, BW theatre students work with Barefeet Theatre Company in Lusaka, Zambia to devise an original theatre piece and perform it for African children in need. This program is a credit earning immersion course. It is led by BW theatre and film faculty. This trip also involves going on a game drive and visiting Victoria Falls.

Standardized Patient Program

BW theatre students have the opportunity to serve as standardized patients for BW's nursing program and physician assistant program. Student actors memorize symptoms and play characters so that healthcare students can practice newly learned skills and bedside manner.


作为主修和辅修科目,戏剧提供四个学习欧博allbet:表演和导演, dance and movement, design and technical and stage management. BW also offers a major in music theatre through its Conservatory of Music and a BFA in acting.

戏剧专业提供了广阔的文学视野, 学科的历史和创造性实践. 课程培养学生欣赏和参与各个层次的戏剧表演, production, direction, design and management.

You can study acting, directing, voice and movement, scenic and costume design, lighting, stage management, theatre history and more. 你也可以参加当代主题的特别研讨会.

The theatre major prepares students to:

  • 培养戏剧和/或舞蹈作为艺术形式和社会重要资产的意识和欣赏
  • 在他们选择的学习领域获得能力
  • 了解戏剧和/或舞蹈的历史,包括它的文学和批评
  • 制定欧博allbet戏剧和/或舞蹈美学的负责任的批评标准
  • 发展适用于学术和/或生产需要的研究技能/技术
  • 通过积极参与节目内的制作工作,培养对戏剧和/或舞蹈的协作性质的理解
Course Catalog

Course Descriptions

课程描述,专业要求和其他信息可以在 University Catalog.


Experiential learning bridges classroom study with real-world opportunities. You can enhance your studies through theatre productions, internships, co-curricular activities and student organizations.

Student Organizations

Theatre Arts and Performance

This organization supports student theatre artists and those interested in theatre on campus. It informs students of events and opportunities in theatre, maintains an open forum for student ideas and projects, and raises awareness of on- and off-campus theatrical events.

United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT)

The BW student chapter of USITT is committed to strengthening the skills of technical theatre students while carrying out the mission of the national organization. USITT serves to create vibrant dialogue among practitioners, educators and students.


The Department of Theatre and Dance is located in Kleist Center for Art & Drama. It houses two theatres: Mainstage and Black Box Theatre.

The Mainstage Theatre is a large 512-seat proscenium theatre. The stage has a 67-foot fly loft with a counterweight system. The stage opening is 44' by 24' with an extended 15-foot apron, ample wings and depth measuring 30 feet. This facility also boasts a new lighting system installed by ETC. With over 200 dimmers, lights are operated on an Emphasis board including a WYSIWYG program.

The Black Box Theatre is a smaller, flexible theatre with seating between 100-250. This unique studio space is intended to provide a variety of seating arrangements, including proscenium, three-quarter-thrust and in-the-round. The theatre has a balcony around three sides and a lighting grid 23 feet above the stage floor. This space also boasts a new Strand Century Lighting system with a 520 series light board.

Off-Campus Experiences

Baldwin Wallace's close proximity to Cleveland and its nationally ranked arts organizations offers outstanding learning and performance opportunities. BW students worked with many of them, including:


At Baldwin Wallace, 你将在一个充满挑战和激励你走向成功的支持性社区中体验个人和职业的成长.


Cait EnglerCait Engler '15 is an actor based in Los Angeles. 她最近的作品包括在Ed Alonzo的“Psycho Circus”和“Neal Patrick Harris: Circus Awesomeus”中扮演角色," which aired on HBO Canada. 她拥有广泛的商业和独立电影作品. Cait is from Waconia, Minnesota.

Kelly SmithKelly Smith '14 是一名演员并且是演员权益的成员. 她拥有佛罗里达州立大学Asolo音乐学院的艺术硕士学位. 她在阿索罗话剧团和三伏天剧团演出. Kelly is from Willoughby, Ohio.

Sarah BellSarah Bell '14 is an actor based in Chicago. 她是《欧博allbet》的常驻演员,也是芝加哥青年莎士比亚剧团的教学艺术家. 她拥有著名的伦敦音乐与戏剧艺术学院古典表演硕士学位. Sarah is from Westerville, Ohio.

Jill TigheJill Tighe '13 是DC Drunk Shakespeare的制片人和演员,也是华盛顿统一场景剧院莎士比亚剧团的成员, D.C. 她在Jonelle Walker的《欧博allbet》中扮演Cat.该剧获得了海伦·海耶斯最佳戏剧/音乐改编提名.

Susanne HoustleSusanne Houstle '12 你是纽约大学蒂施艺术学院的艺术硕士候选人吗, 她拿全额学费学习服装设计. 在BW,她发展了在该领域各种能力的多功能性. 自毕业以来,她一直专门从事戏剧工作. Susanne is from Avon Lake, Ohio.

Caitlin LewinsCaitlin Lewins '10 是一位住在克利夫兰的演员、音乐家、作家和导演. 她最近获得了克利夫兰公共剧院诺德家庭基金会剧作家奖学金. 这个享有盛誉的奖学金支持新兴剧作家创作新作品. Caitlin is from Cleveland.

Laura BergLaura Berg '05 是克利夫兰大湖剧院的成员吗. BW的老师帮助她在本科时被聘为专业古典戏剧的替补演员. 劳拉最近成为了在五大湖剧院演出的哈姆雷特的第一位女演员. She is from Akron, Ohio.


Jeff Herrmann

Chair, Department of Theatre and Dance
M.F.A, Southern Illinois University

Jeff Herrmann

David Alford

Visiting Assistant Professor of Acting
Diploma, The Juilliard School

David Alford

Victoria Bussert

Director, Music Theatre Program
M.F.A., Northwestern University

Victoria Bussert

René Copeland

Assistant Professor

René Copeland

Gregory Daniels

Dance Program Coordinator

Gregory Daniels

Matt Koenig

Assistant Professor of Acting
M.F.A. 在加州大学欧文分校的表演专业

Matt Koenig

Andy Nogasky

Associate Professor of Acting

Andy Nogasky


(440) 826-2239,

Jeff Herrmann
Chair, Department of Theatre and Dance

Full-Time Acting Faculty

David Alford
Visiting Assistant Professor

Victoria Bussert
Director, Music Theatre Program
Professor of Theatre

René Copeland
Assistant Professor
Directing Program Coordinator

Matt Koenig
Assistant Professor

Keira Lea McDonald
Associate Professor
Movement Specialist

Andrew Nogasky
Associate Professor

Full-Time Dance Faculty

Gregory Daniels
Associate Professor
Dance Program Coordinator
Jazz, Tap

Full-Time Design/Tech Faculty

Tesia Benson
Associate Professor

Maya Fein
Associate Professor
Lighting Design

Jeff Herrmann
Chair, Department of Theatre and Dance

Stephanie Orr
Assistant Professor
Costume Technology

Adjunct Faculty

Laura Welsh Berg
Lecturer, Acting
M.F.A., DePaul University

Melanie Boeman
Costume Shop Manager

Jessie Cope-Miller
Visiting Assistant Professor

Dylan Fujimura
Technical Director

Tracy Grady
Area Coordinator, Music Theatre
Singing for Actors, Voice

Chistina Lindhout

Dusten Welch
Resident Fight Director, Stage Combat


Jack-Anthony Ina
Interim Production Coordinator

Shelly Taylor
Administrative Assistant